Finally something interesting has come back to WWE.. It's been seven years since The Rock has retired from the ring. Hard to believe it has been so long, but then again these past seven years must have been like dog years. The Rocks return to the ring, for an end of show promo was just a breath of fresh air. Against, the tired old crap that has been going on since he left.
That's not to say that there hasn't been anything good, just that when you see him in the ring. The return of one of the old guard. You see what a stark difference there is, with what once was Sports Entertainment and what we have now. And there is no comparison.
With Cena and the Miz as the two big stars we see constantly. They just wilt against the sun of The Rock.. No wonder I keep looking back to the Attitude Era so fondly. It was just better, and not because if ass, candy ass, beer drinking or blood either. The performers were just on a whole 'nother level.
And what does it say that with Wrestlemania coming up, they have to go digging to drum up interest?? Is Edge, Cena, Miz, CM Punk and Del Rio (The last two who I think is as good as the old crew) not enough to spark interest?? Now WM was always about pomp and celebrities and what not.. But this just doesn't strike me the same. And with Austin coming back as well to host a show for the WWE.. It just makes me wonder where they are going with this so called 'New Generation'
Not too mention that they really need to do something with Michael Cole.. I know that the announce team is supposedly fed their lines in real time, over the headset by Vince himself. But, come on.. Either bring Cole out as a real heel performer or let him go back to being just an announcer. Because in the old days of Gorilla and Heenan, the heel announcer was never so bad as this. Suffice to say those days of Gorilla and Heenan are gone. But, The King and J.R. were damn good. And how I wish they would let Ole J.R. come back..
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